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Frequently Asked

You've got questions. We've got the answers to make your library experience a positive one!

How do I renew books and DVDs?


We have automatic renewals for most items. If your item is not eligible for automatic renewal, you can renew via the website by clicking on Catalog, logging into your account and clicking My Account. Click the Checkouts tab and select the items you would like to renew, then click renew.

  • Books
  • Movies

How do I see books and DVDs on hold?


Login to your account. Click on the third tab, labeled Holds. This will display any holds that you currently have on your account The Status column indicates whether or not the hold is Available for pickup or still Pending to be filled. 

  • Books
  • Movies

How do I see my fees?


Log In to your account. Click on the tab labeled Fees. (If you have unpaid fees, a red exclamation mark is on the tab.) This will display any fees charged to your account. The Reason column indicates why your account was charged and the Amount column indicates how much was charged.  The total amount is listed in bold at the bottom.

  • Fines
  • Library Cards

Can I stream content on Hoopla?


Hoopla items can be streamed or downloaded on a computer, Android, Apple, Roku, Amazon Fire or Chromecast device. Download the app for your device from your app store and log in with your Hoopla account or create one. Find titles or click Browse to search through genres or browse catagories. Visit Hoopla's Help page for device-specific instructions.

  • Hoopla
  • Movies
  • eBooks
  • eMaterials
  • Music
  • Audio
  • eAudio
  • TV

How do I apply for a non-resident library card?


People who live, work, attend school, or own property in communities in Pottawatomie, McClain, and Cleveland counties are eligible for library cards. Any person who is not eligible for a Pioneer Library System card, but wishes to use the Pioneer Library System may apply and pay for a non-resident library card at any of the hometown libraries. Verification of current address is required. If you do not have identification showing current address, the library card will be mailed to your address.

  • Library Cards

Who is eligible for a library card?


People who live, work, attend school, or own property in communities in Pottawatomie, McClain, and Cleveland counties are eligible for library cards.

  • Library Cards

Why is my privilege expired?


The message usually means your library card has expired and it is time to renew your library card. This happens every 3 years to allow the library to update your information and make sure you are still in our service area. You may renew your card by visiting/calling any hometown library, or by contacting us.

  • Library Cards
  • PLS App
  • Contact

Why is my account blocked?


Customers with fees over $15 are blocked from checking out materials, but may use computers and online resources. Library fees may be paid in person at the library or online. If paying online, you must make a payment of $5 or more.

  • Library Cards

How do I update my account information?


You may update any account information by visiting your local library, calling your local library, or online through the chat option. You can also update your information through our catalog. Click My Account, log in, and look at the information on the Personal Information tab. Edit any information that needs to be updated and click Save

  • Library Cards

What is my PIN?


By default, PINs are set to the last 4 digits of the phone number on your library card application. For example, if your phone number is XXX.555.1234, your PIN will be 1234. If you try the last 4 digits of your phone number, and it does not work, please complete the PIN Reset Form.

  • Library Cards
  • PLS App
  • Contact
  • eBooks

Can I return anything anywhere?


Just about! The exceptions: MovieBox discs, laptops, and tablets must be returned to their original machine. Oversized or bulky items like literacy/book discussion/culinary kits, experience passes, and oversized books must be returned to a branch. Everything else can be returned at any PLS location, including 24 Hour Libraries!

  • Returns
  • Books
  • Kits
  • Movies

How do I get an item I can't find in the catalog?


If you are unable to find an item in the library catalog, you can request that item be considered for addition to the library collection, or borrowed from another library, by using this form.

  • Search
  • Books
  • Magazines
  • Poetry
  • Reference
  • Contact

How do I find library programs?


To explore our full events calendar, please click here.

If there are any specific programs you want to know more about (or if you have general questions), feel free to let us know and we will do our best to connect you with the staff associated with those programs.

  • How do I find library programs?

How do I access Kanopy?


To sign up, you'll need a valid library card from Pioneer Library System, as well as a computer, smartphone or tablet. During registration, Kanopy will ask you to enter an email address. Then, you’ll need your library card number and PIN/Password.


  • Kanopy

Can I volunteer?


We love our volunteers! Volunteer opportunities are posted online through the Pioneer Library System Volunteer Portal.

Each branch has a specific volunteer program. You can also contact the branch where you want to volunteer and ask for the volunteer coordinator to learn more about any opportunities.

  • Volunteering

Why can't I log in to Libby?


First, let a librarian help check if your card has expired.

If your library card is not expired, it may be that you signed up for Libby using your phone number. A phone number registration only allows temporary access, and you will need to set up your Libby account using your library card for full access.

Need further assistance? Contact us!

  • Libby Phone # Expired

Can I host a birthday party at the library?


Meeting room usage will vary from library to library, as meeting room policies are determined by our various cities. Branches that currently allow birthday parties are: Blanchard, McLoud, Moore, Newcastle, Noble, Purcell, Southwest OKC, and Tecumseh. Some room bookings may require a fee. Learn more here.

  • Birthday Parties

Does the library have tutors?


Your library card gives you 24/7 access to homework help resources, including online tutoring and test prep materials. Our staff can help you connect with tutors and other resources in your community. Check out our other Homework Help options.

  • Tutoring

How can the library help adults learn to read?


The library provides countless resources to help adults learn to read or learn a new language. Our staff can help connect you to adult literacy resources in the community. Get started by reaching out to us or visiting a library near you.

  • Adult Literacy

How can I make something at my library?


A fully equipped Maker Lab is available for public use during open hours at Norman Public Library Central. We are currently working to launch Maker Labs at more locations.

Contact us with Maker Lab requests by emailing norctc@pioneerlibrarysystem.org or by calling us at 405.701.2614.

  • Maker Lab Requests

Can I schedule one-on-one time with a librarian? Why would I want to?


Yes, you can, in-person or virtually! Our librarians are happy to help any time, but these one-hour appointments give you dedicated time with library staff who can help in-depth with technology, resume prep, job applications, and more.

  • Schedule a Librarian

Does the library take book donations?


Most of our libraries accept gently-used books and other materials like recent magazines, DVDs, and CDs. Contact your local library and staff will guide you through the process.

Libraries that do not accept donations are: Southwest OKC, Norman Public Library East, and Norman Public Library West.

Your donations are tax-deductible. You can receive a receipt at the time of your donation.

  • Book Donations

What is an experience adventure?


Experience adventures open doors to Oklahoma museums or the zoo! Each kit includes admission for up to 5 people and a series of activities to complete while visiting. Learn more here or browse all our PLS experience adventures here.

  • Experience Adventures

How do I recommend a title or book for my library to purchase?


Simply fill out this form! If the title you've suggested is purchased by the library, it will be placed on hold to your account. If the library does not decide to purchase, the title may be ordered from another library system if available, and the title will be placed on hold to your account.

  • Suggest for Purchase

What is Intellectual Freedom?


The Pioneer Library System is committed to principles of intellectual freedom. The public library’s role is to support a collection that represent divergent views. We do that while also balancing community needs and first amendments rights. Our library system is a place to freely access information for your own learning. Our staff are here to assist customers in accessing factual information regarding whatever topic they may be interested in researching or learning about. 

  • Intellectual Freedom

How can I bring STEAM and Maker Labs to my community?


Our Mobile Maker Lab brings STEAM-focused programming (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) into our communities through cooperation with schools, programs in PLS libraries and information stations, participation in community events, and scheduled appointments with individuals and special audiences.

Contact us to bring the Mobile Maker Lab to you! Email norctc@pioneerlibrarysystem.org or call 405.701.2614.

  • Mobile Maker Lab